Sunday, 10 February 2013

Made in Lincolnshire, re-built in Birmingham

Good Afternoon All and greetings from a particularly wet Lincolnshire,
More good news.
I have been totally re-built.The £40000 man has been completed. The final fix was screwed in on Thursday 31st Jan. I now have a plastic (or some similar type of synthetic material) gum with teeth attached.The whole procedure took barely 20 minutes. The original implant heads were screwed out and the construction was dropped in. The whole lot was screwed into the fixings which remain in my new jaw bone and, finally, the screw heads were filled by some medium similar to mortar, and cured using some type of heat or light sabre.The teeth are an excellent match with my own and I am slowly coming to terms with reconfiguring my lower lip to avoid the impression of being 'vacant'.Initially, it felt as if I had a bag of marbles in my mouth but over the last few days , that feeling has subsided as I have become more used to it, having had 16 months with nothing there.I was told that it may take me a while to speak properly again and to be careful , initially , when eating. It took me around 20 seconds to talk properly and we went out for meals on the two following evenings. Yet to eat steak as Simon has requested a delay on that particular cut of meat until he takes me to a restaurant local to him ,which specialises in steaks, but to date I've eaten toast, lamb,biscuits,pork and a whole host of other difficult foods - maybe have to watch the waistline again !! We go back to Birmingham in March for a dental check and April for a cancer check but all looks good. I feel really fit, I look almost as handsome as I did before ( no laughing out there ).Would I go through it again? You bet. Not that I had a choice and it was a long hard road, but better a few scars and a bit of discomfort than dead.
I will keep blogging occasionally as I know from your comments that some of you have found this interesting. If anyone wishes to find out more or wants to contact me, you must do it by e-mail to ; as I cannot reply to messages left on this blog - some technical issue.
Thank you all for reading and many,many thanks for all the very kind messages.
Best wishes

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic News Chris!

    It's amazing what they can do.

    Hoping everything continues to go your way.

    All the best,

