Thursday 2 August 2012

That came as a shock

Good Afternoon All,
I'm back home now after my latest operation.The op was designed to expose the 4 covered implants, but when they opened up, it was decided to do a bit of 'tarting up'.The net result is that I have gone back months. I cant speak and cant eat as my mouth is wired inside and out with 3 stitches going through my gums and through my jaw before being tied up under my chin with some sort of plastic tubes holding everything in place.They will be hidden when I go back as my beard will have grown over them.A skin graft was taken from my left arm to cover the latest work, this is still bleeding and my mouth,  now disfigured ,is now oozing puss - not a pretty sight, I've already gone through 2 big boxes of tissues.I go back in a fortnights time to have all the stitches and  various aids removed and hope that I get back to the state I was in before the latest op.
I did find out a couple of items of note, apparently my low heart rate (50 ish) is due to being surprisingly fit (some of the soldiers come in around 45) and my consultant told me that he was able to use such a good portion of my leg bone because they were so thick as a result of the sport I played as a youngster.
So thats the update, I feel OK now that the anaesthetic is wearing off (this was a 3hour op) and all bodily functions are working except the mouth so now I will have to consider what effect this might have on the social life for the next couple of weeks- I'm due to go to Olympic Athletics on Monday, Weston Rooms meal (no chance) on Saturday. Had a good day at Beach Volleyball on Monday this week except that my titanium jaw set off the security system as we went in and the soldier who frisked me didn't believe I had a metal jaw ( he would if he saw it now).
I'll blog again soon but I wont be making any phone calls in the next 2 weeks.
Kind regards

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