Monday, 5 December 2011

Latest Update

Good Afternoon All,
Managed to get out on Wednesday evening and got Lynn persuaded to take me to Johns funeral in Boston , early on Thursday. As expected, the chapel was full to overflowing, so I didn't hang about after the service, went back to the Petwood and found a quiet corner to put my leg up - just giving me a bit if jip at the moment. Bill , Johns son,had asked me, before I went into QE on the second occasion, if I would like to deliver a short Eulogy. I thought my speech capabilities had improved enough to do it, and I know that John would have wanted it, so I agreed . I had drafted a skeleton while I was in Hospital and, despite a poor start whilst I got my public speaking voice into gear, it went well and was very well received by those present. However, I had had a lot of attention from mutual friends and was well shot by the time I got home. Slept for a good portion of the night and didn't do a lot on the Friday. I didn't realise how tired I get, but I've taken out the dumbbells and I'm working on getting the strength and lung capacity back up to speed.
Had a pretty good weekend, let loose on Saturday night but severe restrictions on alcohol intake due to 'the boss ' reading the blurb on the anti - biotics. It doesn't say  'none ' but it doesn't say ' 3 pints of Guinness is good for you ' so I had to stick to one. which ,over 2 and a half hours takes some doing. Nevertheless, I had a good night catching up with friends and acquaintances, and, as I'd promised not to stay all night, left 5 minutes before the end. No reactions on Sunday, just a long deep sleep, which is something I've needed for some time.
Another good night and I'm beginning to feel  like doing something, so I'll have a steady day and do a few catch up jobs, write a few Christmas cards and sort the week out.
Bye for now - next blog on Friday ( after the office Christmas lunch - cant manage Turkey yet but I've found things I can eat )


  1. Thanks again Chris for doing the eulogy. And it was well received. Impressive enough that you were able to be there at all. Now feeling guilty that you took two days and a Guinness or so to recover.

  2. Wonder if its lack of guinness that is causing Chris to become tired. Apparantly there are lots of medicinal benefits to be got from guinness.
