Friday, 9 December 2011

The emotional roller-coaster continues

Good morning all, we have the good news and the not so good news. We have had most emotions this week and a little pain, but not enough to take pain-killers.
The emotional high came on Tuesday evening when my pathologist rang from Birmingham to tell me that the source of the cancer had finally been located.It appears to have originated in a saliva gland. As these glands, all my lympth glands and everything else around my neck and jaw had been removed, then there was no need for radiotherapy and chemo was not now a recommended course of action. Given that most of this country's eminent pathologists have now examined the tumour and this is the almost unanimously agreed course of action, then I am content. So a day of highs, no radio, no chemo and a good diagnosis - I aint going yet !!
Thursday was not quite so good, my second/ replacement skin graft doesn't appear to be taking as well as it should. There appears to be something missing between the tendon and the new skin - we had a new doctor as the three-monthly turn round took place on Monday. I'm not sure if he thought that my suggestion of a layer of pork fat from the butchers was a serious one or not- on reflection, he might have been a muslim, I didn't ask, either way he will need a serious sense of humour implant if he and me are going to get on.It was finally agreed , by a majority decision, to clean it down, wrap it up again and leave it until next Wednesday, when the senior surgeon returns from his lecture tour ( he was really unhappy when he went because there is no snow in Switzerland at the moment - I suggested that next year, I go with him, as well as my X-rays and photos, there is always snow when I go skiing ).
From a recovery point of view, I'm now off the anti-biotics and back on the Guinness so I'm sleeping better, I can walk almost 200 yards, the muscles in my neck, shoulders and arms are slowly building up with the exercises and I feel almost back to normal. So onwards and upwards - blog again soon.
Best Wishes to you all.


  1. Nice to see you at the Christmas Dinner

    We all hope that the progress continues unhindered.


  2. Great to hear all the good news, cannot believe how positive you are, but I suppose it is to be expected.
    Best wishes this Xmas.
    Nick Craft

  3. No you are definitely not going yet Chris and thank goodness for that. Despite glossing over how hard this process has been for you so far, your positive news is the very best christmas present that all those around you, the many of us who know you as well as those just reading your blog could ever, ever, have wished for. Keep on going this way Chris you so deserve to get through this.x
