Progressing really well, so decided to go to our usual monthly supper/dance on Saturday night. I guess the hokey-cokey is a no-no, but seeing as Lynn doesn't dance anymore, we only go for the social side. A good update on all things sport over the last month with my mate, Wallace and lots of chat with lots of people.
I knew it might be difficult, so we agreed a 2 hour maximum, leaving early ( and I wasn't on a promise ). It took me a good while to get in as my walking is still restricted, but I had a good night, a couple of pints and broke the ice with folk. Most are very good, interested but not intrusive. Some were not sure what to say but wanted a crafty look at the wounds - not that there was much to see as I wore a collar and tie ( very loosely as I'm still swollen ). Got home in time for Match of the Day, slightly knackered, but pleased I'd done it,
Sunday morning, the District Nurse arrives to dress wounds - all traces of alcohol removed from breath ( I dont think I'm supposed to go out unless I keep my leg raised ), Slight problem with wound on the chin, oozing puss ( no, not the cat ). Decides to send me to minor injuries at John Coupland Hosp. Doc is not too worried, thinks healing might be breaking down and gives me a course of penicilin, thats stuffed the Guinness then !! Resting for the remainder of the day - still little or no pain, but the boss says I've got to rest and she moves faster than me .
Monday morning, District Nurse removes dressing on leg - unsure about one of the skin grafts may not be taking , so. guess where we are going on Wednesday ? Yes, back to Birmingham to see the skin graft chap. Still, I;m still here and most of me is healing so no complaints from me
Good to hear you are feeling well enough to go out a bit Chris. And of course a jar or 2 and a sports debate sounds like a very interesting night out for Lynn. I guess a lot of us want to give you both support as much as we can but dont always know what to say except all the best. Hope all went well on Wednesday.