Friday, 11 November 2011

Dont panic Mr. Mainwaring

Its been a few days since I was last on the blog. Tuesday was a bad day, don't really know why, but I got tired quickly when I tried to change a bulb and had to give up. That annoyed me but I didn't feel too well, my leg hurt and I think the penicillin was beginning to get into my bloodstream.
Wednesday was the unscheduled trip to Birmingham, traffic was very light and we had the fastest trip ever there and back. I took back seat with my leg at 60 degrees, travelling in the guise of royalty. My good friend at the filling station thought I had won the pools and that I had employed Lynn as a chauffeur. Visit went well - no real problems, the skin graft over the Tendon is taking, but  not as well as the other grafts and the Tendon might slip out before it heals properly but there is no reason to panic. The hole in my windpipe has almost healed to the extent that it will have to be slowed down as it is healing too fast. Don't understand the logic behind that but then again, I know very little about health.Speech is going very well, no problems with telephone and most words are being correctly sounded ( a few slurs, but whats new !! ) . Decided to call into the office on the way back for 10 minutes ( promised and agreed ) Left half an hour later.
Thursday was not my best day, but not as bad as Tuesday, I guess that its going to take a good bit longer than I'm reckoning on but today I'm going to start with the dumbbells to build up the upper body strength again. Having a bath is a bit precarious because I have lost a lot of strength in my arms and hauling myself in and out with my right leg dangling down the side is interesting to say the least, Overall, all going well.
 Little message for those good friends leaving messages - thanks very much , I would like to respond privately in some cases, but the way the blog is set up, all messages come in as ' anonymous' so I have no e-mail address to respond to.

I've gone through my notes and tried to amend Simon's blogs but don't have the technical ability so this afternoon, I'm going to fill in the gaps when I was in a semi- conscious state from Monday till Wednesday.
Time for dinner - I'll blog again later

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