Sunday, 16 October 2011

Operation over...

Just wanted to let everyone know that the operation's just finished. The surgeon said it went well and the tumour has been removed and the reconstruction has finished. They're just stitching him up now and he should be in intensive care within the next half an hour or so. We're going to see him later tonight, but he'll still be asleep.

What a relief all round! Hopefully it's all up from here.

Dad said if the operation is successful and he makes it to the end, to post something on here saying, "it's finished and I'm still alive".

Will post something later tonight or tomorrow morning.

Simon. xxx

1 comment:

  1. Relieved to hear the good news that the surgeon is pleased with how it went. Was the first thing we talked about when we got into the office this morning. We're all wishing Chris continued success in his treatment.

    From all of us in the ADA Office
