Friday, 20 April 2012

Next stage completed

Good Afternoon All,
As promised, my latest blog following my latest surgery. Sorry its a bit late but I haven't been on top form since the op.
I was due in at QE , Birmingham at 11.30 on Tuesday, but it was getting on for 5 before I went down. It seems that the list was re-prioritised, possibly to allow more time at the end of the day- I was followed by an Indian chap who had a complicated lower eye socket replacement. Net result was that I was advised to stay in overnight ( which I did ).The op. went well as far as the team were concerned.
I walked down to theatre,as is my usual custom and started the job off , after signing a last minute amendment to my consent form ( dont really think thats supposed to happen on the slab just before you are due to go to sleep, but I suppose its a case of covering backsides ).Op lasted just over 2 hours, consisting of 6 holes drilled in to the titanium jaw and metal pegs inserted ( I think the pegs may be titanium too but will check next time). It is anticipated that the metal will fuse together in the next couple of months to enable the next stage. The good news is that the bone taken from my leg , which was enmeshed with the titanium jaw line, is already fusing together,obviously as a result of the infusions of alcohol taken on an irregular basis.If it doesn't fuse together, I guess that a man with a welding torch may be required ?
I stopped bleeding profusely around 11p.m. and made a bit of a mess of the gown and the sheets, so much so that the gown was replaced, but I wouldn't let the nurses replace the sheet- it was only a bit of blood and a few hours wouldn't make much difference ( and I had got warm !!) Not the best of nights, but I got some sleep and got my blood pressure down low enough to be discharged on Wednesday.Didn't feel too well on Wednesday, and Thursday was not at my best, but starting to get out of it now, the anaesthetic  does some strange things to me. I'm sore and swollen - look a bit like Clement Freud, for those of you who remember him- and back to soft(ish) diet and drinking out of a straw . District Nurses told me that it enhances the sensation of some types of drink - we will see.
Leg wound is now 6 months old and still doesn't want to fully heal. It is slowly knitting together and I think another couple of weeks should see it complete, but I've thought that before.
Football watching going well - Tottenham /Norwich was interesting,and Colchester/ was educational ( always is when you're surrounded by ex-steelworkers). Lincoln/Hayes tomorrow, all being well, then a few play-offs if I'm lucky. Golf deferred due to weather- drought conditions continue to prevail. Its not stopped raining since it was announced- again ( anyone remember Denis Healey- Minister for Drought in 1976? It didn't stop raining for 8 weeks after he was appointed).Had a couple of invites whilst I've been away and looking forward to improving my social life.
Due back at Birmingham in 3 weeks but will blog before then.
Best Wishes to all

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Happy Easter

Good morning All,
Ever had that feeling when you get out of the shower that its good to be alive ? Its something I rarely experience because I'm not a morning person ,as many of you know, but the last couple of days I've had that sensation. Ok, it may not be morning in the sense that many of you get up and warm the world ready for my entrance, but its still morning to me, and I feel good.
Now to the basics. We went to Birmingham on Wednesday , lousy journey but the Elkington map reading radar got us there when the Tom-Tom couldn't recognise a motorway pile up in time - just 5 minutes late for an 11 appointment which, in the circumstances was pretty good, and no one noticed. First appointment was for pre-op checks. Lynn recognised the nurse as the same one who did the checks prior to my first op. I didn't notice first off but then she was pregnant. Nothing to do with me, the timing is pure co-incidence. It seems that I'm fairly fit , blood pressure a bit high but otherwise Ok. The blood test was interesting- last time she took it she failed and had to have the doc round as I was not feeling well.- as I told her, I've not been looking forward to it all day, she had only been dreading it for a few minutes. Nevertheless, she found blood without me feeling much - have I got used to it ? I doubt it .
Afternoon appointment was brought forward so that we didn't have to hang around ( they really do look after me there ). Slight change of plan. The dental implants will go in on 17th April as scheduled, then there will be another 8 procedures starting 3 months after the implants are put in. It will take around 6 months, so should be totally rebuilt by Christmas . I dont see that as a problem as I can cope fairly well with what I've got now so anything extra is a bonus. I know that the surgeon wants to do this job really well because it puts the final polish on an unusual and complicated procedure and I dont mind being a guinea pig.
Leg not quite there but improving all the time. I can now stand, so umpiring may become a more viable option.Walking is not a problem, the 6000 yard course at Gainsborough ( 7500 when I hit it from side to side ) is achievable with only a little tiredness at the end, but very little leg pain.
I will update after my next op in a fortnight , so Happy Easter to you all.
Very best wishes