Thursday, 29 March 2012


Good Evening All,
I've not updated the blog for a week or two because there was not much to report, but I've had some news today so its time to update.
As far as existing problems are concerned, I am progressing slowly. Now playing full rounds of Golf, but totally exhausted after 16 holes- operating on pure adrenalin for the last 2. Stamina is improving but I dont think I will make the Olympic marathon team . Physio is happy at progress made on shoulder re-alignment,encouraging me to use the weights to build up the muscles which failed so spectacularly after my stay in hospital.It seems that a combination of the operation and the lack of movement whilst I was tubed up was the main cause but years of leaning over a desk hasn't helped. My left shoulder is now looser than it has been for years, the right still has some way to go but it can still hit a ball a fair distance.
 The leg continues to test the patience of the District Nurses.It has almost healed, but not quite   .I developed a rash around the wound 10 days ago, but my GP sorted it out with a steroid cream.   A different regime is now being tried to see if it will finally heal.  Time will tell.But ,in the meantime, I have to make sure that it is well covered when I'm outside.
Todays news is that the date for my next op has been set for 16 April,with pre-op tests next Wednesday,just before my routine check.That works out fairly well as I have tickets for both Tottenham/Norwich and Colchester/Sheffield Wednesday during the preceding week.This op should be around 90 minutes so it should be a doddle compared to the 10 hour session in October- famous last words ?
Hopefully,I should be able to take up all the various invites I have for May.
I'll blog again next week after I've been to Birmingham.
Best Wishes to all.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Nearly round to light nights

Good Evening all,
Sorry I haven't blogged for a couple of weeks but there is not a lot to report. The shoulder exercises have gone well and the physios recommendation that Golf is good for shoulders has really helped. I've been round a few times, gradually increasing the number of holes played, now up to 14 and starting to score fairly well.
News on the teeth is not quite so good, I've been in touch with Birmingham and there has been a further delay due to surgeon scheduling. It looks like there will be no teeth until after Easter , but at least I can suck chocolate now and again, so no excuses.
The leg is healing slowly, the change of routine with me visiting the District Nurses instead of them coming to see me means that I'm getting more consistency in treatment.The dressing is now down to 3 x 2 (inches) and the wound is less than a 10 pence piece, the skin has slowly covered over the wound. It doesn't look pretty and the skin graft donor sites look red raw, but there is no pain and everything works. Now, all I need is some intellectual stimulation- I've got one or two ideas up my sleeve but I'd welcome any suggestions.
I'm currently waiting results of my latest swab test but I'm fairly confident this time.
Social life is getting up to speed, the fitter I get, the more I want to do.
Blog again soon
Best Wishes to you all